Monday, March 23, 2020

Who is This Guy and Why Should I Read His Blog?

The Photographer is a pretty old guy who has a ton of experience that he feels he should share with those who don't want to repeat mistakes that have already been made. He has lived through phases that were all influenced by his early life. He grew up in England and moved to the USA at age 14. His dad was an engineer who took him camping, took him sailing, bought him a camera, and tolerated his playing the guitar. His mother played an important role in all this by allowing it to happen. So the photographer has spent a lifetime with these influences and has homed in on photography as one of his last phases! You can check out his photography web site here Colin Ward Photography. And yes the photographer's name is Colin Ward. Please check out the web site and follow the blog because there will be some opinionated and hopefully useful material coming. Colin